



(1) A student may not use the provisions of this section as the basis for filing a 根据《威尼斯人线上娱乐赌场》所述纪律处分程序的结果提出的申诉 学生行为规范.

(2) Federal and state laws, rules and regulations, in addition to policies, regulations and procedures adopted by the state board for community and technical colleges or the board of trustees of Community College District 22, shall not be grievable matters.

(3) For the purpose of final course grade disputes, a student shall use the established 最后课程成绩学生申诉程序.

(4) For the purpose of filing a grievance due to sexual harassment, sex discrimination, or handicapped discrimination, a student shall use the provisions of the established college grievance procedures on sexual harassment, sex discrimination, and handicapped discrimination, WAC 132V-300-010 to 132V-300-030, not the provisions of this section.


内部审查和协商进程已证明是一种理想的手段 解决问题. 如果一个学生认为他或她受到了不公平的对待 faculty member, member of 学院 staff, or administrator, the student is encouraged to resolve the complaint with the individual toward whom the grievance 是导演. 学生应 take this action within five instructional days following the incident. If the complaint is not resolved, the student is encouraged to seek informal resolution 通过相应的部门经理. 学生可以选择提交正式申请 申诉按下列程序办理:

(1) The student may, within ten instructional days following the incident, present 向相关部门经理提出书面投诉. 学生应 present a written, signed statement of the nature of the grievance, a summary of actions taken by the student to resolve the grievance up to that point, and any proposed solution 对于申诉人可能希望提出的问题.

(2) Within ten instructional days of receiving the grievance, the appropriate division 经理应召开会议听取投诉. 这将由当事人自行决定 of the division manager to determine whether he/she will meet with the grievant and the person to whom the complaint has been directed separately or in a joint meeting.

(a) At this step and all subsequent steps in the grievance procedure, the grievant may elect to be represented by an attorney in preparing and presenting the grievance. The grievant shall notify the appropriate division manager at least five instructional 在行动前几天. 在这种情况下,学院可以选择接受援助 由助理司法部长.

(b) Following the meeting or meetings, and within ten instructional days, the division manager will report his/her findings and the actions, where appropriate, to be implemented to resolve 以书面形式表达不满 to the grievant and the person to whom the complaint 是导演.


The outcome of the Grievance Process may be appealed to the appropriate administrative officer by any party to the grievance no later than five instructional days following 经部门经理决定后通知.

(1) Such an appeal must be in writing and clearly set forth the reason for the appeal.

(2) Upon receiving the appeal, the administrative officer will review the original grievance and determination, any evidence submitted in connection with the original 申诉和上诉. 在原告状中没有提出的证据将不成立 在上诉过程中予以考虑,除非有特殊情况证明 学院. 行政干事将以以下两种方式之一对上诉作出回应:


(i)The administrative officer will provide a decision in writing to parties of the 在收到申诉后的十个教学日内提出申诉.

(ii) The decision of the administrative officer is final and is not subject to further appeal.


(i) The administrative officer will convene a hearing committee to consider the appeal 在收到申诉后的十个教学日内.

(ii) The committee will consist of the following members: Three student representatives, chosen by the president of the associated student body; two faculty or staff representatives (dependent upon the nature of the grievance), appointed by the appropriate administrative officer; two administrators, appointed by the president.

(iii) The committee may meet and deliberate if a quorum, defined as one person from 上述每一类都有.

(iv) No member of the hearing committee will have any previous knowledge of the grievance.


(vi) If the person to whom the complaint has been directed fails to appear for the 听证会,主席被授权进行听证会.

(vii) The committee will elect its own chairperson for each case brought before it.

(viii) The committee will hear testimony and examine evidence regarding the grievance; deliberate; and decide the issue by majority vote.

(ix)The hearing committee will notify the parties involved of its decision in writing 在听证会后的五天内. 事实调查结果将包括在 informing the student and faculty member, member of 学院 staff, or administrator involved.

(x)The decision of the hearing committee is final and is not subject to further appeal.


(1) The written findings of the administrative officer or hearing committee appeal 将被视为最终结果. 不存在进一步的机构内呼吁.

(2) Depending on the findings, disciplinary proceedings may be commenced against the 人按照适当的程序.


(1) All hearings resulting from a student-initiated grievance, including appeals to 行政官,经双方同意,可以开放.

(2) All written records growing out of a student-initiated grievance, including appeals to the office of the president, are disclosable only in accordance with applicable law.


(1) At any time during the grievance procedure, the grievant may officially withdraw 以书面形式表达不满.

(2) In the event the grievant fails to appear for any scheduled meeting or hearing without prior notification or evidence of extenuating circumstances, this shall be 被认为构成撤销申诉的.