
部分: I. cadm - 303 p
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 2/14/20


The College provides reasonable accommodation for employees and students who request to be absent for reasons of faith and conscience. Student's grades shall not be affected due to an excused absence for reasons of faith and conscience that include an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious 组织. 学生 must submit a written request for such absence to their professor(s) within the first two weeks of each quarter and may not incur additional fees as a 该请求的结果.

Faculty shall include the approved language referring to this policy in their course 教学大纲. This policy and the associated procedure will be posted on the institutional 网站. 学生 who have concerns about approval or a grade impact related to a requested absence for reasons of faith and conscience may use the student grievance procedure for any concerns not directly related to their grades, or to the grade appeal process in cases impacting a final grade.

学生 who will be absent from course activities due to reasons of faith and conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, 教会或宗教组织 may seek reasonable accommodations so that their grades are not impacted due to those activities. 此类请求必须在公司内部提出 the first two weeks of the academic quarter and should follow the procedures listed 为信仰而离开 & 良心的政策. 学生' grades may not be adversely impacted by absences authorized under this policy. 本保单规定的每个假期 must be taken as a whole day only and may not be divided further.

大学的员工 are entitled to two unpaid holidays per calendar year for reasons of faith and conscience that include an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, 教会或宗教组织. The College must allow an employee to take their unpaid holidays on the specific days requested unless an employee's absence would unduly disrupt operations, impose an undue hardship on the College, or the employee is necessary to maintain campus safety. Undue hardship shall have the meaning established 在WAC 82-56020. Employee seniority and performance evaluations will not be impacted by absences authorized under this policy. 本保单规定的每个假期 must be taken as a whole day only and may not be divided further.


This policy provides reasonable accommodations for employees and students for reasons of faith and conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, 教会或宗教组织s as provided by state 法律在RCW 1.16.050(3)和RCW 28B.10.039.


All enrolled students and employees of Tacoma Community College.


RCW 1.16.050, RCW 28b.10和RCW 28.18.


员工 are persons employed by Tacoma Community College.

学生 有人在学院注册吗.

未成年或未成年学生 有人在学院注册吗 under the age of 18, and require parental permission.

历年 is identified as January 1 to December 31.


学生 必须提交一份完整的 Student Faith and Conscience Absence Notification Form to the 注册服务 Office, 塔科马校园/Building 7, or to the Administrative 吉格港校区的办公室. All requests for authorized absences urider this policy must be in writing using the Absence Notification Form. 例外是 students enrolled in online courses; these students would notify their professor via Canvas and 注册服务 with the date of absence requested for reasons of faith 良心通过电子邮件发送到: enrollmentservices@eagle1027.com.

Minor students (under the age of 18) must have a parent or guardian sign their Absence Notification Form prior to it being submitted.

It is the student's responsibility to notify their professor and request they contact 注册服务 if the requested days of absence have been rescinded. 这必须 occur during the quarter of the requested absence(s}, and the day/days requested will 如果没有发生这种情况,将被没收.

It is the student's responsibility to notify each of their professors of their anticipated 本保单项下的缺席.

员工 must receive confirmed approval from their supervisor, using the college's electronic time-reporting system, at least ten (10) business days in advance of any requested absence for reasons of faith and conscience, unless the activity could not have been reasonably foreseeable within those ten days. 在这种情况下,员工会 submit the request as soon as practical. The supervisor will update the electronic work time-reporting system to reflect the approved absence.