
第四部分:. Adsv - 500
批准人:博士. Ivan Harrell, 09/27/23
Prior Revisions: 11/17/09, 07/04/10, 12/22/11, 01/13/12, 0713/16
Initial Adoption: Unknown


To protect the integrity and usability of College 信息 Systems and Services 并确保他们继续可用的学生学习和学院的行为 业务.

To Whom Does This 政策 Apply



  • ADVS – 423 Wireless Telecommunication Equipment Allowance 政策
  • INST – 111 Copyright 政策
  • Faculty Negotiated Agreement 8.60D
  • TCC Board of Trustees 政策 Manual
  • Washington Ethics in Public Service Act - RCW 42.52.160
  • Washington Public disclosure Act - RCW 42.56
  • RCW 9.68.130
  • Use of state resources, de minimis use - WAC 292-110-010
  • IV. ADSV – 500 可接受的使用 过程


College 信息 Systems and Services: 包括,但不限于,大学网络,连接计算和通信 设备、所有相关外设、软件、网站、电子通讯、互联网 以及所有其他当前或未来的信息系统和服务,无论如何 of location from which accessed or provisioned.

Washington Records Act: 规管与政府行为或履约有关的文件的法例 of any governmental or proprietary function as covered in RCW 42.56

Sexually Explicit Material: Graphic material or content as defined in RCW 9.68.130.

最小使用: Use of state resources in which each of the following conditions are met:

  • There is little or no cost to the state;
  • 任何使用都是短暂的;
  • Any use occurs infrequently;
  • 使用不干扰任何国家官员或雇员的表现 公务;
  • 使用不损害国家财产、信息的安全或完整性 systems, or software;
  • 该用途并非用于开展外部业务,以促进 private employment, or to realize a private financial gain; and
  • 这种用法不是为了支持、促进或征求外界的兴趣 organization or group.

参见RCW 42.52.160(3) and WAC 292-110-010.


任何学院的信息系统和服务的用户同意遵守 适用的州,联邦和地方法律,WAC代码和学院的政策和程序. Use of the College’s 信息 Systems and Services will be consistent with the mission and goals of the College.

Users agree to comply with the following conditions:

  1. 所有学院信息系统和服务都是学院的专有财产. 使用学院的信息系统和服务是一种特权,而不是权利。 并仅提供给学院员工、承包商或其他授权人员 for uses consistent with the mission and goals of the College. The College retains 有权决定何时、如何、出于何种目的以及由谁提供该等信息 系统和服务可能被使用,并保留拒绝访问或使用这些系统和服务的权利 系统和服务,包括使用学院的标志,名称和身份,而不是 consistent with the mission and goals of the College. 此外:
    1. 在学院的信息系统和服务或其他地方的出版物,员工 是否应与市场及传讯部合作 logo, content, and material usage.
    2. 所有存储或发布在学院的信息系统服务的材料可以 由院长或指定人员监督、审查和/或删除,以防止滥用 of the system; during investigations of alleged illegal or inappropriate activity; and when necessary to conduct College 业务.
    3. In accordance with Faculty Negotiated Agreement Section 8.60d, “Intellectual property 员工在TCC工作期间所拥有的个人资料可以通过学院发布 resources in the same form and attributed to the owner as long as the content has not become outdated or inaccurate."
  2. 任何使用大学信息系统和服务从事或促进任何 of the following is prohibited:
    1. 基于种族、信仰、肤色、性别等的歧视或骚扰 性骚扰,宗教,残疾,国籍,年龄,婚姻状况,身份 as a disabled or Vietnam Era Veteran, sexual identity, or sexual orientation;
    2. Copyright infringement;
    3. Personal 业务 interests, commercial uses, and solicitation on behalf of other persons unless approved by the President or a designee;
    4. Any unlawful activity.
  3. Promotion of political and religious beliefs is prohibited.
  4. 法律给予作者和软件所有者的版权保护将得到尊重. 教师,职员或学生不得安装,复制或复制软件,智力 财产,或其他受版权或其他方式保护的澳门威尼斯人在线赌场,除非 legally permitted to do so.
  5. 澳门威尼斯人在线赌场将有一个中央网站,由 Marketing and Communications Department.
  6. 高校信息系统和服务的用户不得共享系统认证 credentials with others, nor misrepresent their identity to gain access to College 信息 Systems and Services.
  7. 大学信息系统和服务的用户不得安装或连接任何硬件 或未经授权的软件进入大学信息系统和服务 inconsistent with the mission and goals of the College.
  8. 除了某些被认为是最低限度的个人用途外,学院的信息 系统和服务是专门为促进学院教育而提供的 目标、研究、行政程序和大学赞助的社区服务 活动,并应仅用于与使命和目标相一致的目的 of Tacoma Community College. Personal use of e-mail and the Internet are specifically 只有当这种使用符合适用法律时才列入最低限度的豁免 和学院政策. Games and Internet-based entertainment applications not consistent 与学院的使命和目标是不恰当的使用学院的制度和 are not included in the de minimis exemption at Tacoma Community College.
  9. 大学信息系统和服务不得用于发送,接收或显示 information including text, images, or voice that:
    1. 是露骨的,还是一个理智的人在这种情况下会考虑的 obscene, abusive, offensive, or
      令人反感的., but exempts authorized study and research in the areas of art, health, 和科学;
    2. 以骚扰、威胁、诽谤或性、种族或宗教等方式骚扰他人 offensive messages; or
    3. consists of information which may injure someone else and/or lead to a lawsuit or 刑事指控.
  10. 电子邮件信息、电子文件、网站活动、网络活动等等 由学院信息系统和服务创建或使用的其他记录 根据《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》可能被视为公共记录,因此可以被视为公共记录吗 应要求披露,或在诉讼情况下服从发现规则.
  11. 学院认为学生和教职员的电子邮件是一种正式的沟通方式. It is essential that students and staff regularly check their TCC e-mail accounts.

当违规发生时,适当的经理/主管将首先寻求解决办法 the matter informally. Instances of misuse that cannot be resolved informally are 参考学院的学生行为程序的学生问题,或雇员 Disciplinary procedures for employee issues. If the infraction is of an egregious 性质:可以放弃非正式决议程序,并直接提交违规行为 通过人事部门了解学院的学生行为或员工纪律处分程序 资源办公室.


This policy is linked to IV. ADSV – 500 可接受的使用 过程s